Students plan and conduct investigations to provide evidence that vibrating materials can make sound and that sound can make materials vibrate.
Students use biomimicry to design solutions to human problems. They brainstorm plans for using ideas from nature to design protective gear for riding a bicycle, skateboard, or some other equipment.
Students practice the skill of communication through speaking, drawing and writing about teddy bears.
5 activities- 36 pages
This PowerPoint presentation is designed to be interactive as the teacher models the structures of the hand and children act them out.
Students collect, display, and explain data through a story, a survey and a random collection of colored squares.
Use this PowerPoint presentation to introduce collecting data. Each page has a question to answer that practices different ways to show data. Teaching Tips are included in the notes section.
Students lean to classify with rocks, then move to make treasure chests of objects they collect and classify with a binary system, a Venn diagram, and a graph.Students write journal entries as if they were explorers finding treasure.
Students use tools and materials to design and build a device that uses light or sound to solve the problem of communicating over a distance.
Students estimate the centimeter length of patterns using their index finger as a unit. They practice estimating and recording the length of parts of their face and write a sequence of steps to describe how to estimate.
5 lessons
Ten challenging tasks for students to demonstrate what they are able to do as a result of their science experiences. These hands on activities use inexpensive materials and are flexible enough to use with individuals, small groups, whole class for after school.. Each activity can also be used as a starting point for writing.
Use the steps and application of the processes of inquiry in 40 activities and investigations that include Life, Earth, and Physical Science content- seeds, matter and dinosaurs.
The 193 page book contains 33 developmentally appropriate hands-on performance assessments for the science process skills of inquiry, levels1,2, and 3.
Students gather evidence to answer the question, “What Materials Transmit Light?” Begin with a whole class activity to review how light interacts with materials. Students conduct tests and gather data, to determine if different materials placed in a beam of light let all, some, or none of the light through.
Nine lessons that concentrate on practicing science practices and inquiry skills. Lesson include teacher notes, assessment rubric, background content, writing assignment, and inviting student recording pages.
Lessons: Observe, Communicate, Classify, Measure, Infer,Predict, Making Models, Scientific Definition, Investigation, template for open investigation.